In addition to being closed all day on Monday, January 18 in observation of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Baxter County Library will also be closed to the public all day on both Tuesday and Wednesday, January 19 and 20 for necessary system upgrades. System upgrades will begin on Monday and continue through Wednesday.
The outdoor book return will still be open, but holds pick-up service will not be available during the closure. The Library will reopen and holds pick-up will resume on Thursday, January 21.
During the upgrade, online patron accounts and item records may experience downtime. Account information regarding check-outs, holds, late fees, and more might be unavailable. The Library catalog on the website for browsing the collection might also be inaccessible. The Library website will still be live and access to parts of the website such as the calendar or resources like Brainfuse for on-line tutoring should still function as usual.
Patron check-out history will not be available after Monday, January 18. If you would like to keep your check-out history, visit your account on baxlib.org and print your history before January 18. Check-out history will not be retrievable after the system upgrade.
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