Lewis and Clark Exhibit Coming to the Library

Tuesday, October 12 through Monday, November 22, the Baxter County Library will have the Reimagining America: The Maps of Lewis and Clark traveling exhibit up in the Library stacks. This exhibit is available to libraries, museums, and visitor centers everywhere. Look at large-scale reproductions of historic maps, photos, and explanatory text to show how America looked before the journey of Lewis and Clark, and what it looked like after.

The exhibit goes into depths explaining the military expedition, led by Lewis and Clark from the Mississippi to the Pacific. The goal was to unveil the geography of the West. Using cutting-edge methods and techniques of the time, they created an image of American so persuasive we still recognize it today. This exhibit shows how they did it.

For more information about the Lewis and Clark traveling exhibit go to the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation website, www.lewisandclark.org/maps

Published by on October 12, 2021
Last Modified December 26, 2024
Library News